Wednesday, July 11, 2018

My fun filled weekend

On Friday morning, I called my oncologist to see if he could see me. I had a couple of infections I wanted him to look at. The receptionist said he was busy and she'd call me back. She called me a few hours later and said he couldn't squeeze me in and suggested I go to urgent care. I knew they wouldn't be able to help me, so I went to the ER around 2pm. They gave me a IV of Vancomycin, did some blood work and decided to send me upstairs for observation.

I got a room around 11pm. I got more antibiotics and went to sleep. On Saturday, the gave me more antibiotics and sent a specialist to see me. She had me get a CT scan with contrast to make sure that it wasn't a cyst or abscess. Thankfully it's just an infection. Sunday morning, she did a needle aspiration to drain it. She sent some pus to be cultured. She said it was a 22 gauge needle but it felt much bigger. They also did a nasal swab to test for MRSA. That turned out to be positive. They gave me a ointment to in my nose twice a day. Thankfully they let me do it and the other 3 topicals myself. Monday was Grand Central. Doctors, nurses, techs, social workers and a friend all came to see me. Tuesday I got released.

 I have creams, powders, and pills to deal with. I made sure that my PCP and oncologist got copies of everything. This morning my oncologist said he'll look at all of the results and reports.

So how was your weekend?

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